Released March 4, 2021
Available NOW
With winsome stories emerging from classic literature to popular music, from modern poetry to professional sports, from ancient history to global travel, from the sacred to the mundane, Let It Be Said, We’ve Borne It Well provides encouragement for all who have struggled through not only the pandemic, but the ongoing uncertainty, anxiety, and doubt which seem the hallmark of our age. Throughout this collection of essays concerning Self-Awareness, Self-Care and Self-Giving we’re asked: what is it that we should be doing and thinking about in challenging times such that we can look back and say, we’ve borne our seasons of trial and difficulty well.
It’s available now on Amazon.
Read an excerpt (Chapter One).
Praise for Let It Be Said We’ve Borne It Well
“What many of us have known for years, many others will now know
through this valuable volume of reflections—Greg Funderburk is a
thoughtful, faithful minister of the gospel whose wise words and winsome
ways encourage others to follow more closely a God who loves and leads,
especially in tumultuous times. While not a panacea, Let It Be Said We’ve
Borne It Well is a well-spring for a life lived well unto God and for the good
of others be it in or beyond a pandemic. This book is a gift that will help
you to look for and to lean into God’s glorious and mysterious future one
day and one step at a time.”
—Todd D. Still
Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean &
William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures
Baylor University, Truett Seminary“Looking for hope, encouragement, community, gift-wrapped in stories
of wonder, inspiration and care? Welcome to your Happy Place! With
encyclopedic knowledge, kaleidoscopic selection, and therapeutic companionship,
Greg Funderburk offers us grace for our journey, peace for today
and hope for tomorrow. A must read for our times!”
—J. Randall O’Brien
President Emeritus
Carson-Newman University
Author, Set Free by Forgiveness: The Way to Peace and Healing“Greg Funderburk offers us practical wisdom we need to live well, especially
in the midst of COVID-19 and its effects. The year 2020 caused
tremendous disruptions and resulted in profound discouragement, yet in
the midst of turbulent times Funderburk points to the God who holds the
future and encourages us to live graciously and well in the light of Christ.
A beautiful set of reflections to help us bear this turbulence well.”
—L. Gregory Jones
Dean and Williams Distinguished Professor